You can contact us or any of the Codas or their organizations and Deaf associations listed below.
There are also Codas among us who have trauma therapy expertise. We have put together techniques for you that can help you during ongoing extreme stress such as war and flight. They are based on mindfulness techniques and include exercises based on calming yourself down by closing your eyes and using a calm breathing technique. The exercises are simple and effective exercises that are body-based and can calm us down, even when our mind does not want to calm down on its own. NOTE: These mindfulness techniques do not work well in the case of acute traumatic stress.
The exercises we would like to share now are:
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and
TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises)
For EMDR you need a specialized therapist. We are happy to find someone with you, wherever you are. You can do tapping and TRE yourself.
Here we have put together explanation and exercise videos:
Tapping excercise by Nick Ortner